One Stop Shop

6 Simple Email Automation Tricks To Grow Customer Loyalty

Episode Summary

As humans who strive for convenience and efficiency, we place a special attention on implementing effective tricks that can help us kill two birds with one stone in all areas of our life. Today, we’re going to focus on doing this in the area of email marketing.

Episode Notes

I’m talking about using segmented emails to kill two birds: growing customer loyalty and increasing your company’s profit.

Sending emails to a segmented audience will increase click rates by 100.95%. This means that over time, click rates will increase on your emails as long as you’re sending them to a segmented audience. The more targeted and relevant the emails are, the more your customers will open them, and the more they’re likely to be engaged with you.

More engaged customers = better relationship between customer and you.

Now, that’s nice and all, but what does this mean?

Customers will spend more as their trust in the relationship grows. Over time, loyal customers spend 67% more than new ones.

The key here is using automated email marketing to grow customer loyalty via your rewards program - and once you’ve done this - focusing more on your most loyal customers so you can generate more profit over the long run.

Before we start, I want you to know that I’m not pulling these tricks out of thin air. We got these prime techniques out of implementing Conversio’s integration with our awesome friends over at As long as you have a rewards program in place, you can apply these tactics with most email service providers, but of course we’d love for you to use Conversio instead. ;-)